“Balinčki”, kot jo mnogi poimenujejo, je družabna športna igra, ki jo v Sloveniji pozna skoraj vsak. Malo manj ljudi pa pozna pravilno ime te igre, ki je Prstomet. Še manj pa je takih, ki vedo, od kje ta igra prihaja. Ljudje širom sveta igrajo družabne igre, v katerih mečejo predmete različnih oblik in tekmujejo v natančnosti metanja. Vendar pa barvaste gumijaste ploščke z luknjo na sredini, po do sedaj zbranih podatkih, poznamo le v Sloveniji in nikjer drugje v Evropi, niti širše. Izvor igre Prstomet sicer še danes ni 100% pojasnjen, vendar pa je vse več indicev, ki kažejo na to, da gre za avtentično slovensko igro.
“Balinčki,” as many affectionately call it, is a social sports game known to almost everyone in Slovenia. However, a slightly smaller number of people are familiar with its correct name, which is Prstomet. Even fewer know where this game comes from. People around the world engage in social games involving throwing objects of various shapes and competing in precision. However, based on the data gathered so far, colored rubber discs with a hole in the middle are known only in Slovenia and nowhere else in Europe, let alone beyond. The origin of the Prstomet game still remains not 100% explained today, but there are increasing indications that it is an authentic Slovenian game.
Tako ga igramo mi / this is HOW WE play IT
Cilj igre je s čim bolj natančnim metom velike ploščke približati malemu ploščku. Igro igrata 2 ali 4 igralci (2 dvojici). Igra se z 8 velikimi in 1 malim ploščkom (1 je rezervni). Vsak igralec igra s 4 ploščki, v dvojicah vsak z 2 ploščkoma iste barve. Igralec, ki dobi žreb, najprej odvrže mali plošček. Pravilno odvrženi ploščki so vsaj 2m (5m za uradna tekmovanja) in največ 10m oddaljeni od igralca. Po odvrženem malem ploščku, isti igralec vrže tudi veliki plošček. Naslednji met pripada nasprotniku oz. nasprotni dvojici, ki meče toliko časa, dokler njegov oz. njun plošček ni bližje malemu ploščku. Naenkrat lahko tekmovalec vrže le 1 plošček. Krog se zaključi, ko vsi igralci odvržejo ploščke. V posameznem krogu metanja po 1 točko doseže igralec (dvojica), za vsak plošček, ki je bližje malemu ploščku od kateregakoli nasprotnikovega ploščka. V enem krogu se lahko doseže največ 4 točke. Pravico do začetnega meta v novem krogu dobi igralec, ki je v prejšnjem krogu svoj plošček najbolj približal malemu ploščku.
Zmagovalec igre/niza je igralec (dvojica), ki prej osvoji 13 točk. Ob medsebojnem dogovoru se lahko igra na več osvojenih nizov. Uživajte v igri!
The goal of the game is to throw maxi discs as close as it is possible to the mini disc. The game is played between 2 or 4 players (2 pairs). It is played with 8 maxi and 1 mini disc (1 is a spare). Each player plays with 4 maxi discs (in pairs each with 2 maxi) of the same color. The player who gets a toss, first throws mini disc. Properly thrown discs are at minimum 2m (5m for official competition) and maximum 10m distance from the player. After throwing a mini disc, the same player also throws a maxi disc. The next throw belongs to the opponent or the opposite pair, who throws discs as long as it takes to draw their discs closer to the mini disc . A competitor can only throw 1 disc at a time. The round ends when all the players throw the discs. In each round of throws, 1 point is scored by the player (a pair) for each disc that is closer to the mini disc than any of the opponent’s. You can score a maximum of 4 points in the round. The right to start the throw in the new round is given to the player who came closest to the mini disc in the previous round.
The winner of the game/set is the player (pair) who scores 13 points first. On mutual agreeement, the game can be played on several winning sets. Just have fun!